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VGC Technology

Remote Working

Making sure business continues as usual is the top priority for all organizations and businesses is crucial during any unforeseen circumstances, like the Covid-19 outbreak. Together, VGC and Microsoft Teams offer a complete solution that enables all users to work from any location at any time. The objective is to use the most recent technology to allow everyone to function normally while dealing with this difficult time.

Contact VGC at sales@vgcwebsite-abfmf3eqhab8a5dr.southeastasia-01.azurewebsites.net 
to learn more about our services and have a free consultation meeting with us!

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Corporate Headquarters

+65 6397 5396
+65 6397 5523

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Need to get in touch with us? Our team is fresh and always open to business. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, we are here to lend a hand.