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VGC Technology

VGC Technology onboarded as a pre-approved vendor for PSG cybersecurity solutions

In today’s rapidly changing environment, businesses are realising that the only way to survive is to evolve with the technological changes. Business owners have to understand the need to accelerate their digital and security transformations. They often do not know where to start. 

While the rapid development of technology has affected the way we live and how we do things, the fact remains that it also has the ability to put businesses at serious cybersecurity risk. Increasingly, business owners recognise that their companies are vulnerable to phishing, ransomware, and other security threats. However, they may not be sure of what to do about it or how to start. 

In response to the growing threat landscape, the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and Enterprise SG launched the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) to encourage SMEs to adopt IT solutions, equipment, and consultancy services to accelerate digitalisation.  In a bid to support businesses towards their digital transformation journey, VGC Technology is officially a PSG Pre–Approved Vendor for Microsoft Cybersecurity Solutions!

All about Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)

The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) is a grant that supports Small and Medium Business looking to adopt technological solutions and equipment to improve their business operations. The PSG offers businesses up to 50% funding support to adoptpre-approved cyber security solutions.

  • The Company must have at least 30% local shareholding.
  • The Company entity is registered and operating in Singapore.
  • Purchase/lease/subscription of the IT Solutions or equipment must be used in Singapore 
  • The Company should have Group Annual Sales Turnover not exceeding S$100 million OR Group employment size not exceeding 200 employees

With the PSG, you can protect your business with VGC’s Managed Detection and Response solution and enjoy 50% cost subsidy to strengthen cybersecurity gaps within your company. VGC utilises Microsoft Cybersecurity Solutions which protect endpoint devices, provide data security for Outlook emails and Cyber Security Education for businesses to get the proper knowledge about the different types of cyber threats. 

Educate your employees on the security best practices and knowledge and defend against cyberthreats. 

Using Microsoft Lighthouse Management, we secure and manage devices, data, and users of our customers and continuously provide assistance and recommendations on security best practices. Get the peace of mind that we are always here for you and your business. 

  1. Get a quotation from VGC Technology  (pre-approved vendor – PSG Cyber Security ) through the contact information of the selected solution(s).
  2. Submit an application on the Business Grants Portal. You will need to register for a CorpPass account to transact on the portal.
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