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It’s a myth that smaller organizations are not targeted and attacked. Security is still one of the most pressing concerns and most difficult responsibilities that
In February 2022, the Government set aside S$100 million for the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) to scale up Company Training Committees (CTCs). Part of this funding supports the NTUC CTC Grant which assists entities with CTCs, by co-funding their proposals aimed at raising productivity, redesigning jobs and improving work prospects. Applicants seeking to transform their business processes, redefine job roles for workers, and uplift productivity can tap on this grant to drive workforce and enterprise transformation. Please refer to the following for more information:
Important to note:
Submissions via emails or hardcopies will no longer be accepted with effect from 16 July 2023. All new claims are to be submitted via the new e2i Grant Portal.
The grant is managed by NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability Institute) to support entities that have formed Company Training Committees (CTC) to implement transformation plans that would lead to better worker and business outcomes. The grant serves to strengthen worker and business outcomes to bring about:
Items must be deemed relevant and tied to transformation plans that lead to worker and business outcomes. Examples of supportable items:
Entities legally registered or incorporated in Singapore i.e. companies, societies, non-profit organisations such as charities and social service agencies are welcome to apply.
Government bodies, statutory boards, organs of state, and wholly-owned subsidiaries of Government are not eligible.
The Company Training Committee serves as a
platform for the management partners and union
representatives to work together in helping their
workers to upskill and reskill in tandem with
business transformation and requirements. CTC
was one of the initiatives launched in April 2019 by
the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) to
support workers in achieving better work prospects
through company training.
For unionised entity, you may approach your
union to form a CTC.
Non-unionised entities can work with NTUC to
form a CTC.
An MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) may be
signed between a senior management rep of the
entity, NTUC / worker rep and other partners. For
unionised companies, the formalisation of CTCs
could be incorporated in the Collective Agreement
To set up CTCs, contact your unions or email to
The grant aims to support entities that have set up
CTCs with NTUC or one of our affiliated unions, to
implement transformation plans that would lead to
better worker and business outcomes
The applicant must meet all following criteria:
• Be legally registered or incorporated in
a. Eligible: Companies, societies, nonprofit organisations such as charities
and social service agencies,
Restructured Hospitals, Autonomous
Universities (AUs), and Social
b. Ineligible: Government bodies, statutory
boards, Organs of State, wholly-owned
subsidiaries of Government.
• Have set up a CTC and developed a CTCendorsed transformation plan.
Yes, formation of CTC is a key prerequisite.
A CTC serves as a platform for management
partners and union / NTUC representatives to work
together in helping their workers to upskill and
reskill in tandem with business transformation and
requirements. Hence, forming a CTC is integral to
developing an effective transformation plan for the
Non-unionised companies can form a CTC with
NTUC (U SME / Cluster) to be eligible for the grant.
Only companies legally registered or incorporated
in Singapore would be eligible for this grant.
Projects must commit a minimum and target
number of local (SC/SPR) workers to be impacted.
Applicants will have to achieve the committed
worker outcomes and minimum number of local
workers (SC/SPR) as stated in the NTUC CTC
Grant’s Letter of Award (LOA) for claim
Each project will be assessed based on the
strength of project from business transformation
perspective and cost of project from positive
worker outcomes perspective.
Funding will only be given for local workers
(Singapore Citizens / Singapore Permanent
Residents) that would be impacted by the
transformation plan and eventually impacted at
claim submission.
A Career Development Plan (CDP) is a structured
progression pathway in terms of job roles, skills,
and wages. Candidates will undergo predetermined training, pick-up new skillsets directly
relevant to their job role, resulting in productivity for
their employer, while also receiving remuneration
calibrated based on their skill levels and new job
Each project is subject to a funding of up to 70% of
qualifying cost, and other funding caps/conditions
where applicable
Funding quantum will be assessed based on:
• Strength of project from business
transformation perspective
• Cost of project from worker outcomes
perspective (i.e., applicants will have to
commit a minimum number of local workers
to be impacted and meet at least that
minimum stated in the NTUC CTC Grant’s
Letter of Award (LOA) for claim
The transformation plan or project must achieve
the following objectives:
• Enterprise transformation: Enhanced
business capabilities, innovation, and/or
productivity; and
• Workforce transformation: Better career
prospects and better wages for local
workers (Singapore Citizens / Singapore
Permanent Residents) through efforts such
as job redesign.
The NTUC CTC Grant can support OEM / software
training related to the equipment / software
seeking for funding under the NTUC CTC Grant.
If company is seeking funding support for other
training to upskill and reskill their local workforce,
there are other training grants from e2i that
companies can qualify for.
The NTUC CTC Grant funding is to support
transformation plans discussed and endorsed by
CTCs. Hence, all supportable components must
be purchased and implemented within the project
funding period (i.e. within the project’s approved
funding period stated in the NTUC CTC Grant’s
Letter of Award (LOA)). A project that has started
in part or whole before the issuance of the
LOA, including downpayment paid, will be
rendered invalid.
You may still apply for the NTUC CTC Grant,
however, you must not have received funding from
other Government sources for the same
programme / components.
Please note that all supportable components must
be purchased and implemented within the project
funding period (i.e. within the project’s approved
funding period stated in the NTUC CTC Grant’s
Letter of Award (LOA)). A project that has started
in part or whole before the issuance of the
LOA, including downpayment paid, will be
rendered invalid.
Applicant-employers that wish to purchase
supportable components from sole providers
and/or related entities must firstly declare and
provide justification to e2i in their application for the
grant. When the request is approved, the
components to be purchased from sole providers
and/or related entities will be reflected in the Letter
of Award for the application.
Please note that Grantees are not permitted to
switch vendors to related entities after acceptance
of the Letter of Award, but they may withdraw their
project if it has yet to commence and submit a new
application for e2i’s consideration. You may check
with e2i should you need assistance.
1 August 2022 to 31 July 2026.
Applicant shall submit its application to e2i directly.
Applications submitted through third parties, such
as external consultants or representatives on the
applicant’s behalf, will be rejected.
Applicant can submit their application(s) via the e2i
Grant Portal at https://grants.e2i.com.sg
The funding period of a project will be 1-year in
Successful applicant will be given 1 year to
complete the project. To illustrate, the project
funding period will be stated in the LOA and it will
be for 1 year in duration e.g. 1 Oct 2022 – 30 Sep
2023. Supportable components approved and
stated in the LOO must be purchased and
implemented within the project funding period.
Entities can apply for NTUC CTC Grant within the
application period 1 Aug 2022 – 31 Jul 2026.
A CTC-endorsed transformation plan is developed
and supported by applicant’s CTC that consists of
(i) Senior management rep*; and
(ii) NTUC / worker rep (i.e. ES / GS / President of
the Union or U SME Director or NTUC Cluster
The plan details how an applicant aims to achieve
enterprise and workforce transformation by
enhancing business capabilities, innovation and/or
productivity, and how it would bring about better
career prospects and better wages for local
workers (Singapore Citizens / Singapore
Permanent Residents) through efforts such as job
redesign. The plan also needs to include their
commitment to at least one of the following worker
• Wage increase; and/or
• Implemented Career Development Plan
(CDP) that is communicated to staff.
*Senior management rep is one who is able to
make business and workforce decisions for the
entity (e.g. Owner / Chairman / President / Director
/ Managing Director (MD) / ED / Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) / COO / General Manager (GM)).
It’s a myth that smaller organizations are not targeted and attacked. Security is still one of the most pressing concerns and most difficult responsibilities that
It’s a myth that smaller organizations are not targeted and attacked. Security is still one of the most pressing concerns and most difficult responsibilities that
In today’s rapidly changing environment, businesses are realising that the only way to survive is to evolve with the technological changes. Business owners have to